angel made me say this, well it was really the sugar, but she doesn’t know that. CutestMami2Luv: hello *** Auto-response sent to CutestMami2Luv: im away, but i’ll brb x0rsysT 99: fruitcup x0rsysT 99: hey CutestMami2Luv: u juss called me a fruit cup x0rsysT 99: yep x0rsysT 99: you noticed :P x0rsysT 99: lol x0rsysT 99: […] More
another weekend over, and not much to talk about. right now im watching this guy across the street trying to clear out a lot. there are huge pine tree’s that he’s trying to knock down with a big crane thing… thing is, there are houses on 3 sides of the lot, so if he messes […] More