Invented by Naoki Yoshimoto in 1971, this crazy toy is called a Yoshimoto cube. If you don’t remember that day in geometry class many years ago, let me refresh your memory. A polyhedron is a geometric object with flat faces and straight edges. Wikipedia has a more scientific explanation that I won’t bore you with. Anyways, watch and be somewhat tripped out by the Yoshimoto cube.
And for the record, I’m not dead. Just traveling and working on something new for!
Via Gizmodo.
That is pretty awesome. Where can I find one of those? It would be a cool desk toy.
Wow, I definetely have to pick one of those up sometime.
Very interesting…I’d probably get bored of it because I’m not a big fan of 3D shapes/rotation, but it’s still cool.
wow..!!! cool toy..where do i get one of those?
The Yoshimoto Cube is fascinating. I want one. The man demonstrating in the video is very good showing the cube. Thanks.
wow. I always thought the rubics cube was crazy the way you could move it all around but this is fantastic. If I ever see one in a store I will have to buy it.
haha i freaked out when he pulled it apart. haha i think i’ll check ebay
My Dad had one of these, I remember it now. I could never master it.
i want one!
Wooaa this is amazing. :O
Erm this cube has been around for years, are you that short of site content you have to make videos on ancient puzzles ?
And if that is you in the video I would suggest you stay away from cameras of any kind as you look like an ugly Harry Potter.
Good luck on finding/creating some worthwhile content !
I used to have one of these when I was a kid. It was pretty fun just to flip through.