Right now, I’m a bit jealous. Jealous at the fact that I don’t live in Japan. Jealous at the fact I’m not a Club Nintendo member. Now, if I did happen to live in Japan, and was a member of that club, I could have my hands on this cool new Super Famicom (Super NES for non Japanese) Wii controller. Hopefully we will see this in non Japanese markets soon. I own 2 classic controllers that I enjoy playing the classic Mario Kart with, but I must say I would buy one of these just to buy one. See more pictures at Inside Games. Source Kotaku

I’m not so much a Nintendo fanboy, but I’ve been impressed with their streak of the DS AND the Wii. In fact, up till now, I’ve always been a big Sony supporter…maybe I’ll get a PS3 too? Haha.
Unofficial controllers (converters) like this can be bought here