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Kamikaze Girls

Kamikaze Girls DVD CoverHave you ever watched a movie that you wish would never end? That’s exactly how I felt watching Kamikaze Girls. I was dreading that the movie actually had to end.

Kamikaze Girls is about Momoko (Kyoko Fukada), who at no fault of her own has developed into a loner and lolita fashion addict. Due to her yanki father’s business rip-offs — um, business dealings, they are forced to move to rural Japan. There she meets Ichiko (Anna Tsuchiya), a member of the infamous Poney Tail female biker gang. They soon find out that even though they come from two different worlds, the friendship that develops was meant to be.

Kamikaze Girls

Kamikaze Girls is a very fast paced movie, but it’s easy to follow. I can’t even begin to describe all the crazy stuff that happens in this movie. From Ichiko’s crazy, tricked out bike, to the cool Yakuza haircuts that I call the Kuwabara (Get it? You know, from Yu Yu Hakusho), this movie will keep you laughing all the way through.

Kamikaze Girls Momoko

This movie reminded me of the Kill Bill series as far as the style and general “cool” factor. If you liked how the story flowed in Kill Bill, you will love Kamikaze Girls. Tetsuya Nakashima did a great job directing Kamikaze Girls. I would recommend seeing this to anyone who loves Japanese movie.

Kamikaze Girls: Yakuza

Kamikaze GirlsKamikaze Girls

What do you think?

Written by xorsyst

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