Update (Feb 14, 2008): Seems the google cache doesn’t work anymore, but I did save it just in case that would happen. Check it out.
Update to the Update:(Jan, 29) Seems that the forum I linked below made it private so no one could read the posts made by her “stalker.” So thanks to Google, here is the cache of the page!
UPDATE (Jan, 29): Yet another and possibly a last update because I have no idea anymore. Thanks to Yellowjee who left a comment below, it seems that a “fan” made that Magibon website, as a stalker tribute joke. I dont know what’s going on anymore, lol. Check out the forum post.
Just a little update about MRirian thanks to Jonathan. So it seems the whole MRirian phenomena was just a viral marketing campaign for a Japanese horror movie. I think we all deep down knew it, but it’s nice that the truth is out. Jonathan discovered that the comments were being moderated to preserve the hoax. On a scale of 1 – 10 on how effective the viral campaign was, I give it a 7. The Youtube videos got their views, bloggers were talking about it (me included), and it got publicity from some big sites. Well, if you go to Magibon.com you will see a gas masked figure named Frank, obsessing over Magibon’s videos. Frank is clawing at the wall, while it seems a projector is projecting Magibon’s pictures on a wall. Frank has also drawn a lovely stick figure picture of him and Magi holding hands with hearts in the background. So who knows the name of the new movie? I wonder how many Magibon blogs are going to be abandoned and forgotten like Lonelygirl15? OH, and all of you that voted saying MRirian is the next Lonelygirl15, congratulate yourselves. You were right! Thanks again Jonathan. Yaranaika? morphing caesar?

Well the topic of this forum was about “Frank” (notice the quotations). Personaly when I first saw magibon.com I was seriously freaked out and I seriously thought that “Frank”was some cyber obsesive stalker and still do think that he has a troubled mind. But if you look at even just one MAGIBON video you could be so curious about who she is and why she does these videos and talks in broken-japanese and still never changes her apeal even after her popularity which makes the whole viral marketing campaign even more understandable I mean Epic movie and Quarantine did the same, but to keep it going for almost 2 years still makes it so confusing.
So its hard to make definit asumtions about Magibon and “Frank” only time will tell.
You can never know…maybe in three months she can make a video in english telling us about how she is scared about “Frank” and even her real intentions of her videos.
So only time will tell….
Frank’s a fake but what is Magibon faking?
No she isn’t Japanese but anyone who speaks Japanese can tell that immediately.
She’s a girl, she stares into a camera, she has huge hypnotic eyes and YouTube has made her famous for this. That’s all there is to it, there is no conspiracy, fraud, fake, it’s just one of the many weirdnesses of modern life.
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Nothing wrong for watching her videos, lotsa people watched just out of curiousity..
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she’s fake
viral marketing is the best but you have to think of a great idea that goes viral~”~
thanks good sites