I know you may have only thought origami was limited to paper cranes, paper craft, and dollar bill rings that impress kids. However, in today’s world many people are embracing the green trend, designer Oksana Bazanova has come up with an idea that uses the traditional art of Japanese origami and embraces an earth friendly idea. She plans on selling the origami sheets of paper for her dishes in supermarkets so you can create them on a by need basis. I think it’s a really cool and useful idea. Plus it beats doing dishes! Yankodesign via Trendhunter

Talk about ultimate solution for bachelors :D I’d definitely use it cause I hate doing the dishes :P
^ Haha lazy! its almost as bad as ordering out!
I would use these dishes for dinner parties but not to actually eat. I would hate to fold all my dishes haha
LOL, good point Aikyrie. I already hate folding my clothes!
I have the ultimate lazy technique, just place a paper towel on the tabel and eat off it, just kidding (but it works just fine). Origami is fun to make and even better when it has a function. I found a origami bill fold which could be useful if your wallet is stolen and need a temporary replacement.
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