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    beef, its whats for dinner

    i love cows! i dont know what i would do without them. i hope we never run out of them. out of any animal, i depend on cows the most. anyways. i havn’t been blogging much lately. ive been busy with other things i guess. i almost got into an accident on the way home […] More

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    spike owns you all

    I’m just watching a bad dream I’d never wake up from. You’re the cool headed Spike. Not much gets to you…seemingly. You hold some inner pain, but you keep it hidden as best as you can. Inner pain or not, you are incredibly bad-ass Find out what anime bad boy you are. thanks amy More

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    shaving {{popup shaving1.jpg I 320×240}}cream and blacklights = stupid pics. its {{popup shaving2.jpg eat 320×240}}a proven fact, don’t ask me why, i was playing with shaving cream. don’t ask me why i decided to turn on my {{popup shaving3.jpg small 320×240}}blacklight while i was doing it. don’t ask me why i took pics {{popup shaving4.jpg […] More

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    my cat the hunter

    cats amaze me sometimes. my cat loves to catch things, and like a true animal, she eats what she catches. it’s not uncommon for her to come back with lizards of various sizes (don’t ask me how she finds ’em), mice, and birds. however, today was a bit different. i was sitting at my computer […] More

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    time continues to eat at me

    weekends go by way too fast. maybe it was because i had the house all to myself for once, i dunno, but i do know it’s 5:18pm, sunday, and the weekend is practically over. one of the main reasons i didn’t go out of town to atlanta this weekend is because i had so much […] More