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in Classicheating up
gah. summer is here… well it feels like it anyways. its definatly beach weather in florida. everyone i see has a nice tan, or is walking around sunburnt. work was so slow this weekend. usually the weekends is when i dread working cause its so busy and customers get impatient, however it was dead. ah […] More
- in Classic
boo @ the fridayfive
and you didn’t believe me when i said the fridayfive is starting to suck… 1. Where are you right now? um, in my room… 2. What time is it? um, 12:21 3. What are you wearing? shorts and a tee shirt (yes your jealous of my florida weather, lol) 4. Any people or animals around […] More
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in Classiccarded?!
i swear ever since i cut my mustache, i look so much younger. at first i thought it was in my head. but since i started working at the nex. ive had customers ask how old i was. i reply jokingly, “how old do i look” and the responce i get is the same. about […] More
can you lick your elbow?
well its officially been raining for 24 hours now thanks to that storm in the gulf. in mobile, alabama (about 30 mins away), all public schools have been canceled, yet in florida, they all remain open. how thoughtful. i mean, who would want to miss school right? so i have to drive all the way […] More
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parking sucks
i swear this campus has the worse parking problem in florida. i got on campus about 10 mins before class. i had every intention on making it to class on time and pay attention. but did i? NO. i couldn’t find a decent parking spot. i prob used a quarter tank of gas just trying […] More
two for tuesday
time for the two for tuesday. 1. Are you happy where you live? If not, what isn’t working for you there? yes and no. pensacola is a good city… or it will be in 20 years. this city is growing daily. it has some awesome beaches, and some nice people. this city is known for […] More
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ice ice baby
{{popup vice1.jpg Vanilla_Ice 200×293}}while i was up in the attic getting down suitcases for my mom and sisters to go off to a wedding on wednesday (home alone for a week, not only are they leaving florida, they are leaving the country) something caught my eye. so i found my way through all the junk […] More
in Classicpublic bathrooms will never be the same
well, i’m supposed to be working on some work due today, but it was hella cold this morning, so i went over to the library to warm up for a bit. i swear it was in the 30’s low 40’s this morning. what makes it even worse, this is florida… the sunshine state. oh well. […] More
- in Classic
2.5 hours of SLEEP
i’m so unbelievably tired right now. remember that program i said i had to do? well, turns out that i fell asleep around 1:30 while taking a “break” (or at least, that’s what i told myself it was). i woke up at 4am and started back on it. 2 and a half hours of sleep, […] More