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in Classicfriday five
1. What is your favorite scary movie? wasnt this question asked in the tuesday two? well hmmm, candyman is the scariest movie ive ever seen, but as far as my favorite scary movie… the 6th sense. ok, no, that was an inside joke. i know the people that understand it are probaly laughing now. this […] More
well someone just sent me an email pointing out that the *newsflash* script that ive been using since last december on an off has become inappropriate with the recent turn of events in the washington dc / virginia area. for the regulars here they know it was a joke. that script just finds out where […] More
cant sleep
ugh, im tired. theres never anything on tv at 2am! i wish i had satellite so i could watch 900 channels like cas. i was watching evolution earlier today, or rather yesterday. that movie is was kinda funny… in a stupid way. i think inna thought i was joking when i said they took shampoo […] More
what an april fools day
well, i was so wrong, i didn’t think people would be fooled, but that was obviously not the case. when i finally got home (that’s another story), i walked into my room, and turned on the monitor to see like 50 billion aim windows about the april fools joke i have up. omg, i felt […] More
had a little friend visit me!!!
well i had a really good day today, im trying to shift this cold i have, for the weekend, im supposed to be going to a wedding do!!! Oh yeah i had a friendly visiter today!!! I walked into my computer room today and i saw butterfly on the floor, it sat there for ages. […] More
is it really necessary
how many times have you heard the jokes of women putting on makeup in the car and then causing a traffic jam? well, maybe that doesn’t happened realistically, or so i thought… today, at this busy intersection, a lady did just that. now, both lights were green, and i know everyone realizes that you can […] More