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in JapanKeepon the dancing robot
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in JapanRealistic Robotic Fish
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in JapanRobo Catcher
Here’s a modern twist on the classic UFO catcher games that you find in arcades and fairs across America. In this new Japanese version, the robotic arm is replaced with an actual robot. It looks to be the same sort of robots that you see in those robotic competition for which robot can climb stairs, […] More
in VideosDa Vinci surgical origami crane
Here’s a video that shows how cool the Da Vinci Surgical Robot arms really are. Surgeons use these robots to perform delicate work when inside the human body. At the end of the video, they show you just how large the crane really is. Needless to say, it’s so cool. If I ever needed surgery […] More
ASIMO to conduct orchestra
Just when you think you have heard everything about Honda’s ASIMO robot, Honda finds a way to keep the spotlight shining on their incredible robot. On May 13th, ASIMO will make history and become the first robot in history to conduct a professional Orchestra. ASIMO will conduct the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, and will perform “Impossible […] More
in JapanDasubee the toilet scrubbing robot
You may be wondering if something was in that sake you were just drinking when you see a blue elephant in the public restroom. But don’t worry, that’s just Dasubee, toilet scrubbing robot. Not only can the Japanese seemingly solve any problem put in front of them, but also create a cute robot as part […] More
in VideosAIBO controlled with a phone
Here’s the AIBO robot being demonstrated at a conference. If you pay attention to the guy controlling it, he’s using a cellphone! The robot’s software can be loaded on a mobile phone and the GUI controlled with the keys. Pretty cool. More
in VideosBig Dog Robot
The Boston Dynamics Big Dog Robot. Watch when the guy kicks it. So cool! More