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friday five
1. If you could only choose 1 cd to ever listen to again, what would it be? bjork – dancer in the dark soundtrack (ugh, one of the cds that got stolen) 2. If you could only choose 2 movies to watch ever again, what would they be? dream for an insomniac would definatly be […] More
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ive got cookies!
cas rocks sooooo freaking much. i got some homemade cookies from her in the mail today. they were a bit melted but it was still good! i like getting sweet birthday presents early. thanks so much cas. tomorrow i will update the portal and all the links. i have quite a bit of new additions. […] More
is that me on ig?
well ive been drowning my boredom by playing ut all day, i think i havn’t even set back on aim yet, nor have i looked at my site today. so i go there, dont see anything new, read the forum, and approved some new people over @ hot or not. i then when to check […] More
reality bites
reality sucks… well, when you have to take a course in physics… it does. on mondays, i have my 3 hour physics lab. up until now, all the labs we had to do were fairly easy, and didn’t take too much thought. i mean, if you could read instructions, you were home free. today was […] More
where are the girls???
yesterday morning when i woke up, the tv just happened to be on the disney channel. i don’t know what i was watching last night, but in the sea of infomercials and such, the sounds of disney is good to sleep by (lol, i’m not trying to say that channel puts me to sleep). well, […] More
xpert hosting rocks!
i’ve just switched hosting companies. i’ve found a really great, and fast, host with awesome support. how many hosts do you know that the owner will answer all questions prompt, and even gives out his aim name to help? i can’t name one company that offers that kinda support. if you have ever thought about […] More