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in GamesYakuza 2 to be in Japanese
Sega has scored some cool points with me for Yakuza 2. I think Japan is on like the 6th Yakuza game or something, and we are just getting a second. However, after much criticism over the original Yakuza game being dubbed — losing some of the sterotypical Yakuza-ness that American’s seem to love, Sega is […] More
Tokyoflash: Unique Japanese Watches
I first heard about Tokyoflash in a podcast I listen to called Japancast. They were giving away a watch as a first place prize. Whenever they were trying to describe the watch on air to listeners, they always had a difficult time explaining the appearance. Usually Japancast just told you to go to their website […] More
86 Views7 Comments
in JapanYunosuke, being a male host in Japan
To some, especially if you watch Anime like Ouran High School Host Club, this idea may not be as foreign to you. We are all familar with the Geisha’s in Japan pampering and keeping company for male customers. However there is a newer trend that has males pampering females, and some of those women are […] More
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in VideosJapanese String Movies
This one comes to you from the always entertaining Japan Probe. This group reenacts popular classic movies with string! More
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in Games, VideosMario Bros in Japanese, literally
If you have ever wondered what the original Mario Bros game sounded like in Japanese… this would have to be it. I must admit, I got annoyed with it after 1:24 into the video. More
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in JapanGenerate your own QR code
You may have seen those pictures before while browsing Japanese sites. That image is called a QR code. It’s basically a 2D barcode. With Japan’s citizen’s being among the top tech savvy in the world, these codes provide easy access to information for many. What Japan Thinks posted an article showing just how popular these […] More
in JapanJapanese Horror – Kuchisake Onna
Kuchisake Onna, The Slit Mouth Woman. It’s a story of a woman who after chasing some kids and got hit by a car which slit her mouth from ear to ear More
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in JapanTokyology – Japanese Pop Culture Documentary
Well, if you haven’t guessed it already, I’m a big fan, and somewhat of an addict to Japanese pop culture. The fact that you’re reading this blog probably makes you an addict too. One of my goals for 2008 is to make it over to Japan and experience it for myself. However, if you can’t […] More
in VideosWholesome MegMilk
What do you get when you cross an anime featuring kawaii ushi musume-tachi and a wholesome MegMilk commercial? An unlikely pairing that somehow makes sense. More
in VideosHiragana lesson using Anime
Here’s a hiragana lesson for those learning Japanese. FYI, the anime is Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. More
in VideosGodzilla vs Ultra-man
The classic Godzilla vs Ultra-man! More
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Gameplay
Here is 5 mins of gameplay footage from the Super Smash Bros Brawl gameplay from the Japanese version of the game. More