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323 Views14 Comments
in Anime, VideosDragon Ball Super – Broly Movie
The new Dragon Ball Super movie trailer has dropped. Check out Dragon Ball Super: Broly! It will be released in Japanese theaters in December 2018 and in America in January 16, 2019. Thoughts? More
617 Views44 Comments
in VideosA real Hello Kitty
If you are reading this website right now, I would find it very hard for you to not know what Hello Kitty is. One could argue that it is one of the most well known Japanese brands right up there with Honda and Sony. This video has nothing to do with Hello Kitty other than […] More
107 Views15 Comments
in VideosSushi Conveyor Camera
You may have heard of the sushi conveyor belt restaurants in Japan where all sorts of sushi is circled around you, and you pay based on the color and amount of plates you consume. Well a creative girl decided to put her camera on the conveyor and film reactions from people once they realized they […] More
792 Views13 Comments
in VideosJapanese Homer in the new Simpsons intro
So, if you are a true fan of The Simpsons, you may have heard the news that the show is officially in high definition! I was watching the intro on Youtube and spotted something pretty interesting. During the part where Maggie gets scanned by the grocery store checkout clerk, Homer is featured as the mascot […] More
126 Views3 Comments
in VideosSuper Mario saves the day
Japanese black theater is always interesting to watch. It takes a completely different level of creativity to pull off well. In this Super Mario parody, we see Mario leave his arch enemy in unfamiliar territory, meet a very influential politician, and save the princess too! Via Geekologie. More
178 Views12 Comments
in VideosThe Yoshimoto Cube
Invented by Naoki Yoshimoto in 1971, this crazy toy is called a Yoshimoto cube. If you don’t remember that day in geometry class many years ago, let me refresh your memory. A polyhedron is a geometric object with flat faces and straight edges. Wikipedia has a more scientific explanation that I won’t bore you with. […] More
191 Views10 Comments
in VideosAmusing Japanese Commercials
One thing that I can never get enough of are Japanese commercials. Maybe I’m a bit biased due to the fact that they are Japanese, but here in the states, we have a whole different mindset when it comes to humor. There’s no other way to describe this one other than cute. Yes, I’m man […] More
57 Views4 Comments
in Japan, VideosThe Daruma dolls have real eyes.
Most, if not all stores now-a-days have some sort of surveillance system in place to keep track of those that choose to not be law abiding citizens. Personally, if im casually browsing in a store and just by chance look up and stare straight into the camera, I get an unsettling feeling even though I […] More
137 Views7 Comments
in VideosSuper Advanced Otaku Origami
Here is one of the coolest origami pieces I have ever seen. What makes it so cool is that it’s totally otaku. I will admit, I didn’t have a clue what he was making till the music suddenly changed into the intro music that gives it away. I wont tell you when it starts to […] More
100 Views9 Comments
in VideosHuman Slinky Is Freaky
This has got to be one of the most trippiest things I have seen in awhile. The expression on most of the faces pretty much captures my facial expression while watching this. I still have no idea how some of the poses were done. Via Japan Probe. More
13 Views8 Comments
in VideosFluorescent bulbs can’t stop him
I could of swore that florescent light bulbs were filled with dangerous chemicals and powders or something… However, not even that can stop people from the pursuit of making good TV in Japan! More
344 Views8 Comments
in Reviews, VideosYo-Yo Girl Cop
I decided to take a break from my seemingly normal routine of waking up, driving to work, coming home, and sleeping and catch up on my backlog of Netflix movies. Tonight I watched Yo-Yo Girl Cop. I know what you are thinking. A very cheesy J-Movie. You would be right. However, when the yo-yo wasn’t […] More