
Reika Saiki is stronger than you!

Reika Saiki Maid Arms
IG: @saikireika
Reika Saiki
IG: @saikireika

Yes, Reika Saiki is stronger than you. It’s ok; she’s stronger than most readers of this site. You may not be familiar with her, but Reika Saiki is no stranger to pop culture in Japan. She is an acclaimed professional wrestler, Japanese bodybuilder, mainstream idol and singer.

Early photo of Reika Saiki
IG: @saikireika

Reika Saiki first started training to be a professional wrestler in 2015. She has always been into working out and living a healthy lifestyle. This photo on the left is from 2015 showing how much her physique has improved over the past three years.

Even though Reika Saiki is only 4’11”, her personality more than makes up for her short stature. She’s not afraid of letting you know about her extraordinary biceps and how great she is in the ring. I guess that’s not surprising considering she is a former Tokyo Princess Of Princess Championship winner.

Reika Saiki Flex Muscles
IG: @saikireika
Reika Saiki oily sit
IG: @saikireika
Reika Saiki Cheer Dumbells
IG: @saikireika

Deadlift Lolita

On April 5, 2017, Reika Saiki along with Ladybeard made their idol debut as the most powerful idol group in history, DEADLIFT LOLITA. Reika Saiki and Ladybeard redefined the definition of Kawaii. Both Ladybeard and Reika Saiki are professional bodybuilders in Japan, so this was a match made in heaven. Together they have produced many music videos and have toured the world.

Our maid is way too strong!

More recently, the new anime Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! (Our maid is way too strong), has released in Japan to rave reviews. This anime features a former Japanese Self-Defense force officer, Tsubame Kamoi,  who is now a housekeeper. What a perfect character for Reika Saiki to cosplay as! The creators of the show have teamed up with Reika Saiki to create this opening and closing theme song video to bring Tsubame Kamoi to life.

For more pictures of Reika Saiki, the Japanese muscle idol, check out our Reika Saiki gallery!

Reika Saiki on Twitter

Reika Saiki on Instagram

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Written by xorsyst

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