The Tokyo International Anime Fair is the largest anime con in the world. It’s is held every spring at Tokyo Big Site. The TAF isn’t like a normal con you would see here in the states. It’s more for the big Anime companies to show off what they are doing, and what they have coming up.
There are a lot of performances, previews to new anime, and all sorts of Otaku goodness. Over 270 companies from all over the world participated this year. I’m going to make a promise to myself to make it there within the next few years.
With all of those companies vying for attention, you know the booth displays had to be very pleasing to the eyes. I think Fuji TV had the most creative presentation with their American casino theme. Here are models from the other big booths. Who do you think had the best booth?
Fuji TV
BS11 Animation
Disney Channel
Nippon TV
Pony / Canyon
Toei Animation
Tokyo TV
Images from Moeyo.