
Translate Japanese feeds in Google Reader Feed

My favorite RSS reader by far is Google Reader. Without it, I could easily spend most of my day reading blogs without getting anything done. They just recently added a very cool new feature that integrates thier translation service into the google reader application.

While the translation service is hardly even close to perfect, it’s better than not being able to read the characters of the foreign language it was written in. Since I’m sure you are interested in Japan if you are reading this right now, chances are you can’t read Kanji. Now you don’t have to copy the URL of the post you want to figure out just to have an idea about what’s going on.

Google reader feed settingsTo use it, just subscribe like you would with any other feed. Then in the top right section, you will see a button listed as “Feed Settings”. Just click the button, then select “Translate into my language” and Reader will automatically translate the feed items for you whenever you view the feed. Cool huh. What will they think of next.

What do you think?

Written by xorsyst

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