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in AnimeBleach: Memories of Nobody in Theaters
Just got this bit of news, Bleach the movie: X is playing in select theatres here in the states! Tickets go on sale May 9th, and Bleach: Memories of Nobody hits theaters June 11-12, 2008. Along with the movie, there will be a special documentary on how the characters come to life, and special never […] More
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in AnimeBleach: Memories of Nobody in Theaters
Seems 2008 is the year Japanese films and anime are playing in the big theaters. First Viz announced the Death Note movie playing in theaters in May. Now they have just announced that the first Bleach movie, Memories of Nobody, will run in American theaters on June 11 and 12th, 7:30p.m. And just like the […] More
Fanservice anime at its finest
I recognize a few titles such as Maiahi Toranzu, Air Gear, Bleach, Simoun, Kashimashi. Anyone else name some more? I could of done without the Numa Numa song tho! Ecchi! Ecchi! More
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in Anime, Featured, JapanAnime worth watching
Here are the top 10 Anime titles I have been watching over the past 2 months. I like a mix of different anime genres. So if you are looking for new things to watch, definitely check out this list. More