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in GamesHuge NES coffee table controller
I love finding cool things that I would so buy but probably can’t afford. This has to rank near the top of the coolest things I have ever wrote about on this site. Kyle at Ultra Awesome has published pictures of his NES controller coffee table, and its totally playable! How cool is that? Check […] More
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in NewsWeekend News
This past week in Japan had its fair share of odd stories. Sorry for being a bit late today with this entry. My morning was busy with setting up a new domain for a project I have been wanting to work on since the beginning of this year. I have secured the domain for a […] More
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in GamesFC Mobile revives classic Nintendo games
This is news to me, but Gizmodo says its true, so it must be true. Seems that Nintendo’s original patent on the NES has expired, so we should start seeing a whole bunch of new devices that may revive retro gaming. Sure, it wont be as big as the PSP and Nintendo DS, but for […] More
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in GamesCoolest NES Mod EVER
This has to be the coolest Nintendo mod EVER. How can anything compete with this? To put a whole NES system on one of its own game cartridges is on a level of genius. Modder Kotami used an original Super Mario Brothers cartridges and squeezed all the circuitry from the original NES inside the cartridge. […] More
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in Games, VideosClassic Mario Kart Commercials
Well we all have seen the many trailers for the upcoming Super Mario Kart Wii. But I wanted to take this time and let you all reminice on all that was Mario Kart. Here are classic commercials from Nintendo’s hit series. More
in JapanHand painted Nintendo Converse
Want a pair of custom Nintendo shoes so that you can be the ultimate fanboy? Here’s your chance to own a pair of one-of-a-kind converse that I can guarantee that no one else has. Browsing Kotaku this morning and spotted these shoes. After visiting the designers page on Deviant Art, I noticed he decided to […] More
The ultimate Nintendo fanboy
Now, I consider myself somewhat of a Nintendo fanboy. I can’t think of anything I didn’t like from the Miyamoto camp. However, this fan has taken their love of all that is Mario to a whole new level. This is true fandom. Source: Pop Give via Kotaku  More
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in GamesA dark Mario game?
How cool would it be to play a dark Mario brothers game. With Nintendo being so family oriented, I doubt we will ever see something like that happen. So, with this picture, we can imagine. Via Small News. More
Mario Brothers + Image recognition = FUN
Well we all know how cool image recognition technology is now-a-days. But what do you get when you mix Nintendo’s classic Mario Brothers with Image Recognition technology? You get the most unique way to control Mario ever! More