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in NewsAKIBA Today site launches
As an American covering Japan, I depend on blogs and other websites that offer glimpses into daily Japan. I believe many people would be surprised to see how many blogs I have in Google reader in my quest to catch things off the radar that other Japan focused blogs miss. In a press release today, […] More
Old Tokyo recreated in Second Life
For those of you that use Second Life and want to experience a bit of old Tokyo, Second Coa has created a virtual Edo (old name for Tokyo) in the virtual world. Second Coa has produce 12 different areas of Edo including Nihonbashi, Edo Castle, Kanda Myojin shrine, and Asakusa. They hope to not only […] More
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in JapanTomohiro Kato: Akihabara killer details
Lots of new details emerged since Sunday about the Tomohiro Kato Akihabara killings. Early on, the media turned their focus to the fact that he seemed to be a fan of doujinshi, military equipment, cars, and Miss Wide Open. Police found evidence of all of the above in his apartment, and of course, the media […] More
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in Japan, NewsTomohiro Kato kills 7 in Akihabara
Tomohiro Kato (above) Today marks a sad day in Akihabara. A man with a survival knife stabbed and killed 7 people while leaving 10 people injured. Reports say he drove a truck into a crowd, got out, and proceeded to stab anyone withing distance. Police was able to apprehend Tomohiro Kato, the 25 year old […] More
WWII bomb found in Tokyo
A bomb in Chofu, Tokyo brought back memories of World War II for many. About 16,000 residents will be issued evacuation orders by the city government so that it can work to diffuse a 63 year old bomb from the War. Keio Corp was performing work on underground rail lines and during a scan of […] More