For the most part, Japanese has syllables that are easier to pronounce than a language such as English. Most of the Japanese syllables only have two letters. If you’re anything like me, when you listen to a person fluent in Japanese, sometimes you may miss the actual syllable. It may be because they have been speaking Japanese for so long that they don’t pronounce every syllable as it should be properly said.
In this video, the people listening are a bit confused as to what the lady on the video is actually saying. I think this goes to demonstrate that it is sometimes difficult to distinquish between certain syllables in Japanese.
When I see the video I hear TA, without seeing it just by hearing it sounds like PA. When the man that can’t be seen talks sounds like PA too.
In Spanish the pronunciation is almost identical than Japanese except for 2 or 3 sounds, and many times when you listen to a word you understand it because of the context, there are people that mispronounce words even when they have heard it all their lives, because that only thing that they “hear” is a meaning and the sound is not always clear.