
Japanese parents marrying off kids

Would you marry their son?

Over 60 percent of Japanese males and 80 percent of Japanese females still live at home well into their 30s. They have been harshly dubbed, “parasite singles.” This growing trend has resulted in the parents of these individuals playing cupid to help their children find love.

Japan’s fertility rate is one of the lowest in the civilized world. More people are dying than actually being born. While the government is looking towards promoting immigration to offset the low birthrate, parents are secretly working with matchmaking companies to find future sons and daughters in law.

A singles firm, Exeo, arranges about 300,000 of these meetings every year. Another company, Office Ann, has even organized “lonely hearts” conventions. At these conventions, parents are presented with potential suitors information including: age, background, income, work, and blood type. If they like what they see, they are introduced to the canidates parents, who exchange numbers and work together to match up their children. Many of the children have no idea about it.

Do you think that it’s OK for the parents to play cupid with their children’s lives? This is very similar to the traditional custom of arranged marriages. Do you believe in that?

The Independant via FG.

What do you think?

Written by xorsyst

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  1. It’s not such a bad idea in my opinion. If the kids themselves can’t find love, why not help them? I wouldn’t mind if my parents did that, if I had a problem with it of course, which I don’t… :P

  2. Heh, yea. I can see if the children don’t have a problem with it. However, the article points out that many are just to overworked to find someone. You have to wonder if they even want to find someone. It may be an added stress on top of their daily headache. Sometimes, especially with love, its wise to not butt in.

  3. Um, there’s nothing new about this trend. Japanese parents have been trying to match their children with potential mates for ages. There’s a whole system to it in place – usually they distribute pictures to potential partners, then they arrange for a meeting called お見合い

    Do I think it’s right? I think everyone should try to fix up single friends or children with other people, so long as the person in question gets the final call. More options = better.

  4. I think that if the kids are cool with it, then why not? As for me, personally….although I take my mom’s opinion seriously when it comes to any guy I date, I wouldn’t want her to pick out a fella for me.

  5. I think that if you’re 30+ and still at home, it’s time for some help, and if they’re fine with it, who cares? But personally I’d NEVER let my mom pick out a guy for me, ha ha her taste in guys and mine are VERY different!!

  6. This is similar to arranged marriages, I don’t think it’s right.

    The children should choose for themselves even if they in their 30s..maybe theres a reason they eon’t want to marry yet.

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