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Space Invaders Bank


Tomy has done it again. If you are old enough to remember space invaders, this functioning bank will trigger your nostalgia reflex. Personally I remember the game, but I’m too young to remember the actual table. We did have a functioning Atari when I was a child though. Ah. Memories.


This Space Invaders Bank not only can help you save for the future purchase of a full size table — because I know you are, but it also is a playable mini-table. The buttons on the side control the action on the top screen. The bank even has the authentic Space Invaders sounds.


It will set you back $60, but that’s a small price to pay for memories of your childhood isn’t it? Check out some other Tomy creations like the Karaoke Box, Human Tamagotchi, and the QFO.

Via Oh Gizmo.

What do you think?

Written by xorsyst

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  1. This is pure awesomeness! I remember these tables…and they were really sort of the beginnings of the huge video game industry! I blew tons of money playing!

    Pretty cool that the bank works as a real game.

  2. The setup process for the Space Invaders Coin Bank is unfriendly. Instead of a simple hatch underneath the unit where the batteries are stored, you’ll have to detach legs of the table and the unscrew two screws to remove the bottom portion of the bank. Therein lies the battery compartment which takes 3 AA batteries (not included). Once the batteries are installed, replace the bottom, re-attach the legs and you’re ready to start saving. The coin bank stores 80 coins that are the size of a 100-yen coin or a nickel and the bank keeps track of how many coins have been inserted by registering them on the screen. When the bank is full, you can elect to remove the coins from the storage compartment and the bank will automatically reset the coin counter.

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