
Weird Japanese Pictures

What a weird and wonderful place Japan is. Here are some weird Japanese pictures gathered by Michael over at MMOABC. These are just a few of them, mainly the Japanese-ish ones. But he has some from all over Asia. Check out his post for more weird Japanese pictures.

Weird Japanese Pictures

Weird Japanese Pictures

Weird Japanese Pictures

Weird Japanese Pictures

Weird Japanese Pictures

Weird Japanese Pictures

Weird Japanese Pictures

Weird Japanese Pictures

Weird Japanese Pictures

Weird Japanese Pictures


Weird Japanese Pictures

Weird Japanese Pictures

Weird Japanese Pictures

What do you think?

Written by xorsyst

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  1. Not all from Japan the one with the boys wearing silly bags in is from Korea. You can see Korean letters on the blue road sign. I also think the wine bath could be from Korea as I went to one about an hour and a half outside Seoul. I think I saw some Chinese in one of the other pictures

  2. Are the eyebrow real or they are custume? If they are real does she feel comfortable with them? Many many questions as i think of it

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