for all of you that read the article about the teens hanging a 10 year old boy’s dog, read this…

Ningin’s 8 Days of Anime!
The great crew over at Ningin are official partners with the New York Anime Festival for 2008. That's pretty amazing seeing as the NYC Anime festival is one of the biggest anime conventions on the east coast! Ningin has set up a micro-site dedicated to the NY Anime Festival and…

Otaku USA Magazine
Happy New Years everyone! While in Pensacola for the holidays, I came across a new magazine that I really enjoy. You can usually find me in Barnes and Nobles looking for new design books or magazines. While sifting through Shonen Jump and Newtype magazines, I came across one called Otaku…

spike owns you all
I'm just watching a bad dream I'd never wake up from. You're the cool headed Spike. Not much gets to you...seemingly. You hold some inner pain, but you keep it hidden as best as you can. Inner pain or not, you are incredibly bad-ass Find out what anime bad boy…
what a stupid little kid!!
yea i know. if he was just older, he could have gotten charged with something. he should get some kinda punishment tho… to teach him a lesson.