
urban by default

well its finally up. i dont know why, but this layout took the longest to get up out of all of them. i guess it was just me being lazy… or maybe it was this heat. i can tell this summer is going to be hell on earth… litterally. i cant wait! some may realize this isn’t the layout i said i was going to put up after icepix. i didn’t feel like putting up a layout with so many dark colors. so i’ll save that one for when im in a bad mood, and want a black layout up. well hope everyone likes this one.

What do you think?

Written by xorsyst

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  1. Your new layout is awesome. You always use blue, but the blue always looks soo good. hmm…my computer is messing up on me. Funky stuff.

    Anyways, great job Louis. :)

version 5?

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