Not sure how many of you know this already, but I thought I would post it to help spread the word. GONZO has decided to try a fascinating experiment with their anime titles, The Tower of DRUAGA -the Aegis of URUK and BLASSREITER. Starting today, it is being offered to stream online at a few sources. Never heard of GONZO? You should have. They have released popular animes such as Blue Submarine No.6, Samurai 7, Gankutsuou, Brave Story and Afro Samurai. I will be watching this experiment closely as it’s sure to shape the future of anime here in America if it goes as planned. Source.
Sources to watch The Tower of DRUGA online:
Sources to watch BLASSREITER online:

A little bit about The Tower of DRUAGA
The long awaited “Summer of Anu” has come.
It is a season that comes but once every few years and during which the powers of the monsters within the Tower wane thanks to the grace of the great god Anu.
Each Summer of Anu, the armies of the Uruk Kingdom secure their strongholds within the Tower, aiming to conquer the upper floors eventually.
Decades of re-fortification and battle have passed since the infamous adventures of Gil and Ki. Their story has now become a legend.
Now, finally, the third Summer of Anu has arrived.
The city of Meskia – the first stronghold built on the first level of the Tower – is brimming with unprecedented expectation. In addition to the Uruk Army, preparing for their third campaign against Druaga, innumerable adventurers have been drawn to Meskia by rumors of a legendary treasure believed to be hidden on the top floor of the Tower.
A little bit about BLASSREITER
As the dark cloud of apocalypse shadows over the world, stigmatized heroes arise for reasons yet unknown
The story takes place in a city in Germany sometime shortly.
A puzzling incident occurs where a corpse rises in the form of a strange creature and attacks people.
The appearance of the monstrous undead shakes the nation as horrified people look at the incident as a sign of “the coming of demons.”
The city also witnesses the rise of that can incarnate into demons at will. Every bearer of this unique ability, while being condemned as demons, uses his/her power for different ends…
Some use the power for what they believe as justice.
Some lose themselves in the immensity of their powers and abuse them.
Some use their power to realize their ambitions.
Some use it for revenge.
However, all are eventually burdened with the same overpowering fate: to fight in a Battle Royale in which the lives of all “demons” are ultimately jeopardized…
Each uses their powers to survive and to fulfill their purposes.
However, using the extraordinary power comes with a price: their human minds gradually begin to debilitate…
An unrelenting and devastating story of young men and women racked with solitude and agony.
Thanks for the news! Blassreider sounds quite interesting actually!
Just finished watching the first episode of Blassreiter. Really clever idea about the streaming! It just loads up in parts and you don’t need to do anything. Great graphics and alot of mystery/story. Worth a watch :)
Watch it on too =D
That’s good news, I think a lot of anime fans are used to watching things online- and in one of their press releases they mention that this is designed to fight illegal online distribution. So I’m glad Gonzo is trying to adapt its business model with the customers in mind, and hopefully the rest of the industry will be watching and picking up tips. Amazon’s been offering $1.99 downloads per episode for some dubbed shows too.
with out free online streaming, anime would not reach half of the western audience today. it’s amazing what stuff like youtube has done for the medium as a whole, yet most studios and publishers still battles with the various copy rights and distrubtion non-sense, the studios may salvage a few bucks but at the cost of reaching to more audience.
anyway, good on gonzo
how many gonzo anime releases now aside from blassreiter? anyways im watching the latest now LINEBARRELS OF IRON but ep. 10 stil too far. Guys pls recommend me another top anime from gonzo, i really appreciate the hardworks GONZO more power. ^^
how many gonzo anime releases now aside from blassreiter? anyways im watching the latest now LINEBARRELS OF IRON but ep. 10 stil too far. Guys pls recommend me another top anime from gonzo, i really appreciate the hardworks of GONZO more power. ^^
pls e-mail me for the latest anime aside from what i said here. TYY xD
just saw your post.
Two must-see titles from Gonzo are LastExile and Welcome to the NHK. The English dub of LastExile is very good, it features Kari Wahlgren (of FLCL/Haruko fame) Crispin Freeman, and Johnny Yong Bosch, to name a few. Very good story, great visuals and soundtrack. This was a Geneon release, and Funimation has it now.
Welcome to the NHK is one of the last of the ADV dubs (Now licensed by Funimation), is a brilliant piece of pop culture satire, and will have you r’ing otflyao one minute, and thinking “I can relate”, the next.
I also like the original Full Metal Panic, the male lead is too funny.
Last but not least are two darker titles, “Red Garden” and “Gankutsuo”. I’m currently catching up on the latter.
I’ve got the fansub of “Shangri-La”, but haven’t watched it yet.
I like Gonzo, because they take a lot of chances. They put out some really of the wall stuff, but they swing for the fence. When they hit, it’s going over the wall.