Well, I have always belonged to the school of thought that if you promote your full RSS feed, people wont have any reason to visit your site. However, I feel as though that is one of the reasons why I do not have as many subscribers as I want. (around 70 or so as I write this).
So after Darren‘s latest post, 7 ways to make your blog sticker, I have decided to use my full feeds from now on. I will keep you updated on if this boosted subscriptions.
Yay, I’m glad you did this! I almost unsubscribed because I couldn’t read your blog properly in Google Reader.
It’s good to know that it has saved at least 1 reader! Now if I can figure out the RSS enclosures so the videos will show up in the RSS feed, I will be in business.
This is right here, in the present, not the future.