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    Naruto Shippuden Kizuna trailer

    TV Tokyo is streaming the trailer for the new Naruto movie based on the Shippuden series, Naruto Shippuden Kizuna. This is their second movie in the Shippuden series. The Kizuna film will focus on the teaming of Naruto and Sasuke, and airs in Japan starting August 2nd. Yes, I did say Naruto and Sasuke were […] More

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    2nd Dragonball movie planned

    Ok, this one is definitely a rumor, and maybe a spoiler. This morning Kotaku reported that the producer of the Dragonball movie, Tim Van Rellim, has revealed that Goku will die in the next Dragonball movie adapted for Hollywood. Two things come to mind about that statement. One, we know death in the Dragonball universe […] More

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    Kamen no Maid Guy

    I’m not a fan of hentai. There’s just something about being able to look at a real girl that I find more interesting. However, I am a big fan of Ecchi anime with comedy and fan-service. Here’s another MAD video from the anime Kamen no Maid Guy (Masked Maid Guy). Fumiwara Naeka is a granddaughter […] More

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    Bleach: Memories of Nobody in Theaters

    Seems 2008 is the year Japanese films and anime are playing in the big theaters. First Viz announced the Death Note movie playing in theaters in May. Now they have just announced that the first Bleach movie, Memories of Nobody, will run in American theaters on June 11 and 12th, 7:30p.m. And just like the […] More

  • Afro Samurai Game

    Afro Samurai game in the Fall

    Seems that Samuel L Jackson has signed on with Gonzo and Namco Bandai’s new game based on the anime Afro Samurai. Gamespot reported that the game will follow the unique drawing style of Afro Samurai. If they do choose to follow the bloody style of the anime, you can be sure that we will see […] More

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    Ghost in the Shell live action movie

    From the studio that produced Transformers brings us another live action movie based on a story that originated on paper. Dreamworks has announced that they have licenced the rights to make a 3D live action version of Ghost in the Shell. Sony and Universal were trying to license the rights, but the fact that Steven […] More

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    Death Note Movie in May

    If you are a fan of Death Note, you may be in for a treat. Viz Pictures has released that they will be airing the Death Note live action movie in 300 theaters across the USA on May 20th and 21st at 7:30pm! This is the first Death Note movie, and not the recently released […] More

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    MAD does Clannad

    If you havn’t checked out Clannad yet… What am I talking about, everyone has seen how great Clannad is. Here’s a MAD tribute to a really great anime that you should of already checked out! More

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    An unlikely pair

    Due to a comment left yesterday, I decided to show Dragonball Z a bit of love today. This is a story between two unlikely friends. Their friendship lasted well into Dragon GT. More

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    New Dragonball Z Movie Pics

    Breaking News: New Dragonball Movie leaked clip for a fight between Chi Chi and Mai. Click here to watch it. Is it me, or do all of the pictures that have surfaced for the new Dragonball Z Movie make me think they are not even following the Dragonball Z story line? These new pictures surfaced, […] More

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    Code Geass Pizza Hut Promotion

    If more companies backed and promoted anime here in the states, I think theres a good chance of breaking into the mainstream audience. Pizza Hut Japan has started a new campaign promoting the Code Geass series in Japan. When you order a pizza between March 27 and May 11th, you get a custom box with […] More

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