If you want a recipe for attracting a lot of attention while visiting Akihabara, just stand out. That’s what these 2 blond girls did, and attracted masses of people following them with digital and video cameras. Akiba-blog said they are from a blond girls magazine called Candy Doll, not to be confused with the sex toy Candy Girl. Only in Japan can you have a magazine just of blond girls. Candy Girl’s website is a members only website with pictures of European girls, and the slogan,
Please enjoy the time with pure angels.
They first showed up on Akihabara on the 29th of March. And after all of the attention the received, they showed up again on the 30th to a mass of people and cameras. Is it me, or do these girls look like they are 16 years old. For that reason alone, I didn’t even spend time trying to find the website to link to. Even as they were about to leave and got into their SUV, they were swamped with photographers. Pictures from Akiba-blog.

Oii, tudo bom? (: O site tá bem legaal . Nota 10 :D Perfeeito. Estou com novo modelo no meu site, vão conferir. Aii, sou fã de Sailor Moon, baixo todos os episódios. (: Hiuaiuahiahaihaiuahiau ~ Ah, voteei na enquete: também faço cosplay de Sailor Moon em alguns eventos. Bem leegal . ;* Beejo.
blonde girl very cute ^_^
I think she really good for this cospley
Kewl <3
16? I’ve stumbled across the Candydoll stuff before. Most of the girls they photograph are around 10-12. It was probably wise to stay away from the site.
julionob14@hotmail.com aca esta mi msn estan lindas las chicas esas son de candydoll yo tenia fotos de ellas
cute girls….
Keep up the good work. Everyone is opened to there opinion. Excellent blog here, i am still reading :)
ã‚ã£ã¡ã‚ƒå¯æ„›ã„ *** ã«ã‚ƒã‚“やん (。¥。)
I love all the Candydolls and I have my favorites, Sasha D is one of them. Especially in the Sailor Moon outfit.
I love Sasha D