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Kids vs Zombies

So, Andrea subliminally tricked me into purchasing Left 4 Dead on Steam, and I have been enjoying playing it for the past few days now. Funnily enough, I have to play Louis everytime I play online because well… my real name is Louis and I’m African-American.

You may be wondering what zombies have to do with Japan. Well, other than there is a pretty popular Japanese L4D group on Steam, it seems that it’s also pretty funny to trick kids into believing there is a zombie apocalypse happening right outside. Are your kids ready for the apocalypse?

Via Geekologie.

What do you think?

Written by xorsyst

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  1. Man, no wonder there are so many F****ED aspects of Japanese culture. How can traumatising kids be seen as entertainment? So very wrong. Still, good to know that zombies can be defeated with clingfilm. I didn’t know that.

  2. # No Gravatar(new comment) Says:
    June 15th, 2010 at 4:17 am

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    June 15th, 2010 at 4:18 am

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