angel made me say this, well it was really the sugar, but she doesn’t know that.
CutestMami2Luv: hello
*** Auto-response sent to CutestMami2Luv: im away, but i’ll brb
x0rsysT 99: fruitcup
x0rsysT 99: hey
CutestMami2Luv: u juss called me a fruit cup
x0rsysT 99: yep
x0rsysT 99: you noticed :P
x0rsysT 99: lol
x0rsysT 99: fruitcup
x0rsysT 99: haha
x0rsysT 99: ok
x0rsysT 99: shutting up
x0rsysT 99: i think they just put something in the koolaid i just had
CutestMami2Luv: huh
x0rsysT 99: those people
x0rsysT 99: i dunno who they are
x0rsysT 99: hrm
CutestMami2Luv: who people
x0rsysT 99: they just came in here
x0rsysT 99: and sat at the kitchen table
CutestMami2Luv: lol
x0rsysT 99: and brought some koolaid
x0rsysT 99: so i got a cup
x0rsysT 99: and had some
x0rsysT 99: an orangle plastic cup
CutestMami2Luv: wow
CutestMami2Luv: it wus an orangle plastic cup?!?!
x0rsysT 99: my sisters got for one of their girl scout camping trips ages ago
x0rsysT 99: well
x0rsysT 99: they got 4
x0rsysT 99: i just used 1
x0rsysT 99: they also got some nifty orange plastic plates too
x0rsysT 99: its like…
x0rsysT 99: you drop them, and they dont break
i need to start archiving these.
usually… plastic doesn’t break when you drop it… isn’t that the whole point? lmao…
good times… i have red plastic cups.. am i speshul too? =p
lol i get fruitcake :P
You culd be..but orange cups are hard to find! Red cups u can buy anywhere..i’ve never seen orange cups…dude take a pic and put it up! =0
i gots white plastic stuff from girls scouts heh :-D i wuv my plastic!