
Happy birthday to xorsyst!

Happy birthday to me

Happy birthday to me!

Another year goes by (26 to be exact), another year presents itself. For the first time in my life, I am actually celebrating my birthday away from friends, and without a girlfriend! It’s a bit weird. I haven’t really opened myself up to this new city that I moved to in mid April. From what I have been hearing about Jacksonville from people on Myspace and Twitter, it’s not really worth giving it a chance. However, this new year I am going to stay focused on all of my projects and startups, and make this year the best thing that has ever happened to me! Regrets? None.



What do you think?

Written by xorsyst

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  1. Wow, Happy Birthday! Take it from someone that’s celebrated a few birthdays away from loved ones: sometimes you need that time alone to reflect.

    Good luck with all you’ll do this year ^_^

  2. Man! I’m becoming 26 tomorrow, lol. We have almost the same age.
    And I’ll be alone too, my family is on vacation while my friend are too busy, but I’m used to this.
    Happy birthday, xorsyst!

  3. Happy Birthday, Xorsyst! I’m 19 and I don’t celebrate my birthdays like I used to when I was younger; plus I don’t get many presents anymore since the gifts I want are really expensive, hehe~. Perhaps when get older and move out, it will be better. ^^

  4. Happy birthday! You da Man! Hey, no GFs mean more money in my opinion. And hey, you always have us… ;)

  5. @Chris: Yea, I think that’s the most depressing thing of all!

    @Xacur: Virgos rock, lol.

    @Sanjo: Yea, birthdays are definitely celebrated different as you get older. Still to this day I dont remember my 21st birthday. All I remember is being in a club, being VIP, throwing up in bathroom, and my friend driving me home in the DJ’s car. Good times indeed.

    Thanks everyone. I ended up spending my birthday catching up on some JDrama and some horror movies, with a few glasses of soco and coke. Kuchisake Onna was pretty good.

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