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    MAD does Clannad

    If you havn’t checked out Clannad yet… What am I talking about, everyone has seen how great Clannad is. Here’s a MAD tribute to a really great anime that you should of already checked out! More

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    Why Asian guys cant get a white girl.

    A friend of mine posted this on myspace the other day and earlier today I was on MIXI when I saw a bullentin post about, “Why Japanese men are not popular to Gaijin girls?” While I dont know the answer to that question, the guy in this video tries to find out. The guy with […] More

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    friday five

    1. What drinking water do you prefer — tap, bottle, purifier, etc.? bottled: aquafina or dasani bottled water 2. What are your favourite flavor of chips? mmm, ranch doritos. 3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most? chicken parmesan, even tho its been awhile since i cooked that. […] More

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    happy holidays

    sorry! i keep getting msg’s on aim saying i work too much and that im never on! its just the season, sorry. blame christmas! i swear, im usually happy for christmas to come because theres no school and i have lots of free time, but now i cant wait till its over. for one, less […] More

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    an e/n site run by girls?! wow, now ive seen everything. and the thing is… its HELLA funny. check out More

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    im in one of my moods today, so you were warned… dont you love hearing old songs that you havn’t heard in a while? i usually dont go for romance songs… well the old slow ones, but this one brought back memories! i was speaking to nicola last night, and she made the funniest face. […] More

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    well someone just sent me an email pointing out that the *newsflash* script that ive been using since last december on an off has become inappropriate with the recent turn of events in the washington dc / virginia area. for the regulars here they know it was a joke. that script just finds out where […] More

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