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in JapanThe Mecha Mobile Phone
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in Japan, Mixi PostsSecond Life for your phone?
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in Classicjob!
thats the last time i answer the phone with my mouth full of pizza. it was my (now boss) telling me my background check finally was finished… i finally got the job! i go in tomorrow from 9-5 (joy). hope everything goes alright. at least it wont be till closing. well im out, gotta run. More
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in Classicfilming an episode of C.O.P.S.
last night was fun. i was talking to nicola when my phone rang at like 10 something pm. so i picked it up and it was my friend wanting me to pick him up from work and take him home. now he has a truck, so i was like, why do you need me to […] More
- in Classic
flashes of female OZ
i always get the weird things happening to me while i’m out. on my way to the bank today, i pulled out behind this van type thing… it’s the kinda truck UPS has… but it was a sherrif’s truck, and the back was open and covered with a wire type of gate. inside of the […] More
in trouble
why don’t i get punished like a normal person? from the time i was in 6th grade, whenever i got in trouble, i always got my computer taken away. never have i not been able to go out with friends, not drive my car, not allowed to look at tv/radio, not allowed to talk on […] More
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in Classicms cleo go bye-bye
LOL, it’s about damn time someone sued ms cleo!!! and who was this someone you may ask? the most powerful ‘person’ that could sue her… THE GOVERNMENT! they claim her readings are just representatives reading a script while trying to keep the caller on the phone as long as possible. it’s all a matter of […] More