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in Classicwall pong
ah yes, just got finished playing wall pong… wall pong you may ask… what the hell is that? its a game that willis made up (i would link his site, but i forgot the url to it. post it in the comments willis). basically we move two tables up to the glass wall (window), and […] More
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in Classicportal now works.
ok, fixed some things with my site this morning. thanks tom for pointing it out. if you have been wondering why i havn’t added you to the portal yet, it was because i never got the email. i forgot that the email address the portal submissions were going to doesn’t work anymore. so if youve […] More
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in Classicold navy sucks
*kicks old navy* for not accepting my credit card application. i met tom at the mall yesterday and we hit up a few stores in the mall. i had already been there earlier in the day, but i was still looking for some things, so i figured, ill make a few more rounds to see […] More
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in Classicgoogle buys blogger
for those of you who use blogger as your blog script, you may begin to see more traffic to your site within the next few weeks/months. it seems google has bought pyra labs, the company that owns blogger. google plans on using blogger to help index news from people rather than just the large commercial […] More
in Classicthe wedding
ah, well i ment to say i was going to be leaving sooner, but i kinda forgot about posting it on the site till moments before i was walking out the door. sorry! but the wedding was really nice. it was the first time ive been to a big wedding before. i was asked to […] More
in Classicmore webspace
well turns out that i wont have to get rid of the hot or not after all. i have a total of 200mb of webspace, and i was down to 38, but after some investigating, i found out that over 100mb was being used in stats! so after i deleted the useless stats, i have […] More
in Classicbored in class
today was long and boring… i hate mondays and wednesdays cause its a mandatory 10 hours at school, and then today i was there for about 2 extra hours cause i had to do a few things for my sister while i was up there… anyways, i couldn’t concentrate sitting in discrete math today, so […] More
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in Classictime flies
well its been one whole year since ive had this site. time flies when having fun i guess. ive met so many new people. its been great. i remeber this time last year i was checking out bertie‘s survivorcam and the sites of those participating, and i thought “hey i can do this”. i had […] More
in Classicnew club!
ive just started a new yahoo club. i wanted a fresh start. alot of the members that were part of that club either dont use thier email anymore, or have no interest in it. so ive started fresh. check out the new yahoo club here. i will be announcing live cam chats in there only, […] More