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    ddr addiction

    well version 8 is finally up. for the people that hate ddr, sorry, but i had to do it! turned out better than i had it visioned in my head, so im happy with that. i dunno if you have noticed, but it seems as tho things slowed down here, well except for the forum. […] More

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    ive been slacking on the blog i know! but im hard at work on a new layout that will be up soon! its not as dark as this one. *goes back to work* More

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    where does the time go

    ah, friday finally! why does friday take so long to get here? and then it seems as tho its the day goes by so fast. anyways, i have lots of work to do today :\ . but im going to try and get everything finished early for a change. that way i can get to […] More

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    two for tuesday

    1. Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you ever had any kind of ghostly encounter? yes i do believe in ghosts. it all started from my 3rd grade teacher. i went to this small private school for 2nd and 3rd grade. the 2nd and 3rd grade consisted of about 12 kids. and our […] More

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    you want to know what i hate. when you stub your toe or something, and it takes like 1-2 seconds before the signal travels up to your brain and then you realize it hurts, lol. its like damn, you hit your toe, and you know its going to hurt, so your just waiting for it… […] More

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    tony christ is coming

    ah, yes, blogging again. i was going to yesterday, but i got sidetracked. first, everyone go check out nicola‘s new layout! if you really know nicola, you know that layout reflects her. well yesterday tony christ came up to uwf with his friend and a bunch of us was just hanging out playing pool / […] More

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    friday five

    1. If you could only choose 1 cd to ever listen to again, what would it be? bjork – dancer in the dark soundtrack (ugh, one of the cds that got stolen) 2. If you could only choose 2 movies to watch ever again, what would they be? dream for an insomniac would definatly be […] More

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    well someone just sent me an email pointing out that the *newsflash* script that ive been using since last december on an off has become inappropriate with the recent turn of events in the washington dc / virginia area. for the regulars here they know it was a joke. that script just finds out where […] More

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    survivor cam 3 finals

    well it seems survivorcam is down to the finals. drt and trouble made a strategic move by voting jenny off. i wanted jenny to win tho! :\ if this works like bertie’s survivorcam, all the people that got voted off will come back to vote between drt and trouble to see who’s the winner. if […] More

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    new New NEW

    tiggy‘s back with her new domain! everyone show her some love! cas also has a new layout in which you MUST see! who else, hmmmm, tami also has a new layout. she consistantly puts up great layouts. mandah also puts up unique layouts all the time. check out her new one. i wonder what […] More

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    beef, its whats for dinner

    i love cows! i dont know what i would do without them. i hope we never run out of them. out of any animal, i depend on cows the most. anyways. i havn’t been blogging much lately. ive been busy with other things i guess. i almost got into an accident on the way home […] More

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