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wake up from this dream
this morning was really weird. i thought i was still dreaming or something. i usually fall asleep with my tv on, and i rarely set the timer. so when i woke up, the tv was still on, but all i saw was snow. i looked outside, and it there wasn’t a storm. it was a […] More
friday five
1. If you could only choose 1 cd to ever listen to again, what would it be? bjork – dancer in the dark soundtrack (ugh, one of the cds that got stolen) 2. If you could only choose 2 movies to watch ever again, what would they be? dream for an insomniac would definatly be […] More
in Classicfriday five
well i FINALLY made a layout that im satisfied for the forums. i know everyone will be happy i put the quick reply back in. i still have to add the attachment mod, but im too tired right now. i’ll do that sometime later. if you havn’t joined the forum yet, your missing out. theres […] More
why did she do it?
ok, i’ve got a test for all of you. read this, and then give me your answer in the comments. i will post the results tomorrow. thanks tom. It is a story about a girl….. While at the funeral of her own mother, she met this guy whom she did not know. She thought this […] More
in Classicfriday five
1. Do you have a car? yea, nissan sentra 2. Do you drive very often? when it’s not in the shop 3. What’s your dream car? 1997 toyota supra. i love those cars. i’m going to own one of those someday. besides that, i like mitsubishi spider’s. 4. Have you ever received a ticket? nope, […] More
- in Classic
spike owns you all
I’m just watching a bad dream I’d never wake up from. You’re the cool headed Spike. Not much gets to you…seemingly. You hold some inner pain, but you keep it hidden as best as you can. Inner pain or not, you are incredibly bad-ass Find out what anime bad boy you are. thanks amy More