
no computers *sigh*

well i got a call bright and early this morning (ummm, 9:15 to be exact) from my soon to be boss. she asked me if i wanted to work in home furnishings… i was kinda disappointed because i thought i was going to work in computers, but i guess its a job. she pointed out that i would be doing a little bit of everything (getting stuff from the warehouse, cashier, etc). my sister pointed out thats prob where they start off everyone. she’s probally right seeing as i dont have any customer service skills on my app. the background check is still being processed, so now its just a waiting game.
in other news, does anyone remember my lick it good page? (yea joanne, i know i spelt tounge wrong, heh). well i got an email 2 days ago from someone who asked her friend to do it… and suprisingly she did it! {{popup tounge.jpg tounge 300×407}}want to see it? yea, so see the impossible really is possible!

What do you think?

Written by xorsyst

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  1. i had my friends at school tryin to lick their elbows. one of my friends really did it. i wus suprised! i thought it wus impossible too but i guess not!

  2. hey baby boi! I love the layout, it’s so friggin cute! you’re too sexay for your own good *faints* I’ll be sexin ya up more regularly now. *mwahs* <3 ya! lata lova

new job?

does weed make you think?