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in Classicrise from the dead
ok, i guess it’s time to get off my butt and do some updates. thanks to all that waited patiently. first, i gotta thank drama for the fan sign! More
in Classictony little is evil
{{popup tlittle1.jpg tlittle1 320×240}}last night i fell asleep with the tv on as i usually do without setting the sleep timer. sleep timers… i hate those things. by the time i get tired enough to set it, i’m not coherent enough to push the buttons and look at the screen at 2am. you may say […] More
- in Classic
flashes of female OZ
i always get the weird things happening to me while i’m out. on my way to the bank today, i pulled out behind this van type thing… it’s the kinda truck UPS has… but it was a sherrif’s truck, and the back was open and covered with a wire type of gate. inside of the […] More
- in Classic
i’ve got layout fever
today was semi productive. i was in a layout mood from last night. i’m making a layout for nicola that should be finished in a few days. i REALLY like the layout i’m doing for her. i’m all jealous that it’s not for my site, heh ;) . but besides that layout, i did 2 […] More
where are the girls???
yesterday morning when i woke up, the tv just happened to be on the disney channel. i don’t know what i was watching last night, but in the sea of infomercials and such, the sounds of disney is good to sleep by (lol, i’m not trying to say that channel puts me to sleep). well, […] More
is it really necessary
how many times have you heard the jokes of women putting on makeup in the car and then causing a traffic jam? well, maybe that doesn’t happened realistically, or so i thought… today, at this busy intersection, a lady did just that. now, both lights were green, and i know everyone realizes that you can […] More