
The most expensive video game in Akihabara

Expensive games in Akihabara

The Kotaku team has been in Japan all week waiting for today’s launch of the Tokyo Game Show 2008. With the 3 days leading up to the TGS, they had to keep themselves busy. How? Sure they took the tours, saw the sights, but we know they spent the majority of their time deep in all of what Akihabara has to offer.

One of the interesting things they found was the most expensive video game in Akihabara. Was it a copy of Metal Gear Solid 4 signed by Kojima complete with a locke of hair? Nope. Was it that copy of The Simpsons: Virtual Bart for the classic Mega Drive console (Sega Genesis for us Americans) that you see in the picture above for 62,790 yen ($600)? Nope. It was a 98,000 yen ($950) dollar copy of Maximum Carnage (to the right of The Simpsons game). They found the games at Super Potato, a retro gaming store in Akihabara. Crazy huh.

To keep up with all the latest info from the Tokyo Game Show 2008, check out Kotaku’s Super Big TGS Round-up.

Via Kotaku.

What do you think?

Written by xorsyst

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  1. That’s amazing, I actually owned the limited red cart of Maximum Carnage for the SNES. That game was epically horrible no matter what system it was on. >< Nice blog btw!

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