in , What’s Hot Lists

Amazon.comWell as you may know, I have been slacking with the posts this week… but I do have an excuse! I’m a big fan of Danny Choo‘s website, and I love his product ranking charts from Japan. If you haven’t seen it before, just check out his “Rankings” section on the right menu. Living in the states, we are somewhat sheltered from what’s going on in Japan. His lists are a nice, easy, and time saving way of keeping up with all of those cool products and Anime. However, his lists are run from Amazon Japan, and link to Japanese products. Without using services like Rinkya, its not exactly easy to buy from Amazon Japan. So with the help of my good friend Tom, I have been hard at work all week creating lists similar to Danny Choo‘s except they are for things I am interested in, and more importantly for the English! These are just the beginning lists, as I have plans to add many more. Definitely check out the PS3, XBOX 360, and Wii sections as likes to add new games as pre-orders! That way, you can make sure you get a copy and laugh at all your friends who have to wait for theirs. These lists update every hour with the latest releases. Without further adieu, here are the What’s Hot Lists:

Have you ever bought anything from

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What do you think?

Written by xorsyst

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  1. Hey there,

    I actually buy products all the time from in Japan. I had a Japanese friend help me sign me and my visa up at first but since then it’s been super easy to shop because they do have an English browsing feature.

    I haven’t used Rinkya yet but I have heard of the service.

    How is Rinkya? Have you used it?



  2. Spazi pubblicitari sul tuo sito :
    Gentile Proprietario del Sito,
    Siamo interessati a comprare spazi pubblicitari sul vostro sito per i nostri clienti. Se questo fosse possibile, vi prego di contattarmi per discutere la proposta nei dettagli .

    Grazie e cordiali saluti,

    John Rupert

  3. hi!!i am a big fan of japanese stuff like hana yori dango and kanata hongo!! i am 17 years old.i’m from the phils.wanna make friends with me??

  4. Your link to Danny Choo now goes to a dead page. I was hoping to see what cameras are hot in japan vs what is hot here in USA. Japanese seem to always be ahead of us in electronics.

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