
about that chess game!!!

yeah only by the skin of your teeth louis!!! Dont worry ill have a rematch with him then we will see who is smarter! It wasn’t fair cause he had only like learnt how to play it properly there and then cause yahoo helped him, thats a huge mistake that yahoo helping him!!! I was so nervous half way through the game i was like im so going to kick his ass but he proved me wrong!!! But dont worry there will be a rematch and ill make sure ill win him next time!!! The clock thickens people and we have a battle on our hands!!! LOUIS dont get too excited. Its so not fair though he is an amature and i used to play like all the time, how humiliating (spelling sorry), dont worry though i did try to get him back, but it didnt work!!!

What do you think?

Written by nicola_babe

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  1. LOL, hahahahahaha, awww, am i making nicola doubt her skills??? hehe, yes, tomorrow we will have a rematch, and lets see who will win… AGAIN! :D

  2. what ya mean again!!! Im going to kick your butt louis and thats for certain, so be afraid be very afraid!!!

yahoo! games

firestone almost killed me