
spring != cool

ok, i’ve gotten to the point where i hate spring. yes, it may have just started, but there’s one thing i hate doing at the beginning of spring… yardwork. from the time i got home today around 3ish, til now 7, i’ve been outside doing yardwork. we used to have one of the best lawns in the neighborhood, but a lot of it has died due to some kinda pest in our yard *shrug*. anyways, we had the lawn people come out and they sprayed and gave us instructions on what we should do. they were like, you need to rake up all the dead grass, then we have to buy some more grass for the dead areas. to replace our whole yard it would run somewhere around $2500 for the grass. so we are going to try to save what we have, and just buy a bit to patch things up. i took before photos, and when we have a decent lawn again, i’m going to take pictures to compair. i’ll post them then. *embarrased by our yard*

and oh yea, HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY STACY!

What do you think?

Written by xorsyst

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  1. hahaha! my family is full of lazy asses and we don’t do yardwork. We pay these people too. Everytime I try to do it I get attacked by fire ants. It isn’t pleasant.

  2. i was attacked by a bee yesterday cutting my lawn i was not happy!!! It took me all day to cut too!!!

im not pregnant!

finals start today