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in Classicthe sims online!
where have i been! well i have to admit… ive got an addiction. there i said it. and no, its not DDR this time, but thats still a heavy addiction for me, im dealing with it tho! last sunday… almost a week ago, my new sims disk came in. after installing it, the addication began. […] More
in Classicfriday five
1. What is your favorite scary movie? wasnt this question asked in the tuesday two? well hmmm, candyman is the scariest movie ive ever seen, but as far as my favorite scary movie… the 6th sense. ok, no, that was an inside joke. i know the people that understand it are probaly laughing now. this […] More
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in Classicddr addiction
well version 8 is finally up. for the people that hate ddr, sorry, but i had to do it! turned out better than i had it visioned in my head, so im happy with that. i dunno if you have noticed, but it seems as tho things slowed down here, well except for the forum. […] More
where does the time go
ah, friday finally! why does friday take so long to get here? and then it seems as tho its the day goes by so fast. anyways, i have lots of work to do today :\ . but im going to try and get everything finished early for a change. that way i can get to […] More
- in Classic
survivor cam 3 finals
well it seems survivorcam is down to the finals. drt and trouble made a strategic move by voting jenny off. i wanted jenny to win tho! :\ if this works like bertie’s survivorcam, all the people that got voted off will come back to vote between drt and trouble to see who’s the winner. if […] More
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in Classicmondayyy
ah, it feels good being back in my room again. its weird tho. for the past um, 8 years ive been in that house. ive had posters and things on my walls. i hate a blank wall. it just looks so bare to me. however, after my room was painted, i was told not to […] More
in Classictwo for tuesday
1. What sport did you love to play when you were a kid — and were you any good? i played basketball and soccer when i was younger. im pretty good, but im not the one to really judge my own skills. i have 2 trophys. one from 3rd place (team), and one first place […] More
pepsi, for those who think young
ah, its hump day wednesday, why is it always a chore getting out of bed on mondays and wednesdays? well a day late, so here’s the two for tuesday: 1. When you’re feeling down, what activity is almost guaranteed to make you feel better? talking to a close friend about what is making me feel […] More
in Classicfriday five
1. Do you have a car? yea, nissan sentra 2. Do you drive very often? when it’s not in the shop 3. What’s your dream car? 1997 toyota supra. i love those cars. i’m going to own one of those someday. besides that, i like mitsubishi spider’s. 4. Have you ever received a ticket? nope, […] More
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in Classicim not jenni
it’s funny. do you ever wonder how well you know the people you regularly speak to online? i got out of my class early today, and headed up to the computer lab. i logged into the computer like normal, and it seems as tho someone installed ICQ on this computer, and left their icq # […] More
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in Classicreader submission
Hi, Im from Germany – and usually not the person, that comments each n evry website. In your case I do, out of two reasons. First: The pics you(?) made of yourself are really very very good, I liked them: Colors, lights, mood – excellent! If you made them really yourself, you definitely have a […] More